Research Abstract and Preliminary Results | A Comparative Study of Danish and Japanese Women Entrepreneurs by Julie Taeko

What are the differentiating factors among women entrepreneurs in more gender-equal societies such as Denmark versus less gender-equal societies such as Japan? The two countries were chosen for their opposite rankings in terms of gender equality, a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem, and rates of women's entrepreneurship. The objective of this paper is to understand the differences that exist among women entrepreneurs in countries that are more gender-equal like Denmark or less gender-equal such as Japan, and how living in a gender-equal society or not, affects the experiences of women entrepreneurs.

Diversity and Inclusion From the Buddhist Perspective by Julie Taeko

At its essence, Nichiren Buddhism is a philosophy that places the utmost importance on respecting the dignity and worthiness of each individual. Nichiren Buddhism’s core teachings are to respect each individual’s inherent humanity. Moreover, just as each individual has a unique character, a unique experience of life, a unique culture, etc., it can be understood as a manifestation of cosmic creativity and wisdom.

When we fundamentally believe that each individual is worthy of respect and possesses infinite potential, we can celebrate the creativity and diversity that each individual brings to the table, as well as celebrate the unique expressions of life that lead to such a wealth of human diversity.

Celebrating Diversity and Difference at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Denmark — A Poem About Challenging My Identities, Norms, and Stereotypes by Julie Taeko

This past February 2019, I was very fortunate to attend a conference on International Women’s Day at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Denmark called “Fight the myths about gender at International Women's Day 2019.” Not only were there fantastic speakers such as Nima Sophia Tisdall of Blue Lobster App, who was recently featured by the Obama Foundation, but also we all participated in a GenderLAB experiment, where we were asked to identify our various, unique identities and the stereotypes that surround them. For example, I distinctly remember writing down that “I am a woman, but I cannot cook, and I don’t want to be a housewife.” This innovative and compelling exercise, stimulated my creative juices and got me thinking about other areas where norms, identities, and stereotypes all collide.

How I Created Law of Attraction Vision Boards with Google Drawings and Unsplash by Julie Taeko

I absolutely love the idea of attracting what you want in life through visualization. After all, the most famous athletes, CEOs, and celebrities, use the law of attraction and visualizing your outcome or success to become successful in life. In fact, Jim Carrey famously wrote himself a check for $10 Million for acting services rendered, when he was penniless and broke. Not only do you have to be able to imagine yourself earning a check for $10 Million, but you also have to envision how you feel once you have achieved your goal. By going through the process of creating a vision board, you can think more deeply and critically about your goals, visions, dreams, and how you feel once you have achieved them. That’s why, a vision board can help you actualize your goals.

How to Create a Vision Board in Google Drawings in 3 Easy Steps by Julie Taeko

After researching vision boards and watching some of my favorite YouTube stars talk about them, I decided to create one on my own. But I wasn’t sure how I could create the most efficient and effective vision board.

To get to where you want to go, you first need to know where you want to go. Then, by applying the law of attraction, and visualizing your success, you can make things happen.

5 Reasons Why I Love Studying at Kyoto University

Thus for the past 2.5 years, I have been researching how women entrepreneurs in Japan leverage opportunities to build a business, and what makes them successful in the Japanese context. In order to research this question, I had to first understand the socio-economic, political, historical, and cultural environment for women entrepreneurs in Japan. And what better way to do that, then taking courses such as “Gender in Japan” at Kyoto University, as well as courses in the Graduate School of Management with actual women entrepreneurs in Japan.

For this reason and many others, in this article, I share my top 5 reasons for why I love studying at Kyoto University.

What is the Best Thing About Studying in Kyoto? The Sheer Diversity! By Julie Taeko

The sheer diversity in Kyoto is outstanding! Not only do you have the everyday tourist, but you also have the diverse array of students and faculty members from all over the world. According to a presentation by a Kyoto City Official at Kyoto Makers Garage, there are currently 150,000 students studying at 38 universities in Kyoto. And an astounding 9,000 of these students are from foreign countries. This means that 6% of all students are foreigners in Kyoto, and more impressively, students make up 10% of the population according to the International Student Study Kyoto Network.

How I Cured My Eczema (Atopic and Contact Dermatitis) in Japan by Julie Taeko

Since the age of four, I have had eczema — 湿疹 or アトピー in Japanese. For those who have never had skin conditions, or do not know anyone with skin conditions, eczema is a non-contagious form of dermatitis. For me, it had quite debilitating physical and psychological effects during childhood, as it affected my appearance, and no child wants to be different from others.

In this article, I share detailed information about how I overcame eczema, and provide a glimpse into the life of someone who has suffered from eczema for over 25 years.