All in Japan

A Royal Visit to Kansai Soka Schools

Unbeknownst to us, the Kansai Soka Schools' leaders had planned an exceptional experience, one befit for royalty.  Although we arrived 30 minutes early, we were immediately welcomed by the Kansai Soka School’s Principal, President, and English-Japanese translator / teacher. After taking the customary photos with the magnificent building and burly lion statue, we received an extensive tour of the school’s museum. 

A First Glance at an SGI Nichiren Buddhist Meeting in Japan

First off, the care and attention given to new members is outstanding. Of course, I can't speak for everyone, but my experience thus far, has been superb. Last week, my mom visited a local Soka Gakkai International (SGI) center, and informed them about how I wanted to attend meetings, and that I would be living in Kyoto for two years. That same night, a woman called me at my dorm and invited me to a local Buddhist block meeting the following week. I gladly accepted the invite!

Research Proposal | Background & Interest

As a graduate of political economy at UC Berkeley and a proud marketer at three startups since college, I would like to conduct a cross-cultural analysis of female entrepreneurship in Tokyo and Silicon Valley. The hub of technology innovation, Silicon Valley is making the world a more connected place. Simultaneously, Japan is moving towards becoming a more global society, increasing the number of women in the workforce, and developing a healthier entrepreneurial environment.

Research Proposal | Area of Focus

I plan on conducting a comparative study of female entrepreneurship in Tokyo and Silicon Valley with a focus on socioeconomic and political trends.

A good place to begin contacting female entrepreneurs in Japan is the Women Entrepreneurs Center run by the Development Bank of Japan. Both the finalists and judges have a wealth of experiences and knowledge about developing businesses in the Japanese context. Prior to arriving in Japan, I will begin connecting with people associated to the program.